To Users (as defined below), we inform you that the following Terms and Conditions are applicable for the simple use or access to any of the pages, web and mobile applications, software and applications in general, that make up the Site of www.maritimeps.com (hereinafter and, jointly and indistinctly, the "Site"), so we will understand that you accept them and agree to be bound by their compliance. In the event that you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, you must refrain from accessing or using the Site.

MARITIME PROCUREMENT SERVICES S.A.P.I. DE C.V. and/or its subsidiaries, related parties and/or affiliates (hereinafter and, jointly and indistinctly, the "Company") reserve the right to modify the content of the Site at their discretion at any time, without the need for prior notice.

The User, understood as the person who uses or accesses the Site, through computer equipment and/or any communication equipment or device (hereinafter the "User"), agrees not to use devices, software, or any other means tending to interfere both in the activities and/or operations of the Site, in the databases and/or information contained therein.

1. USE AND RESTRICTIONS. The access or use of the Site expresses the full and unreserved adherence of the User to these Terms and Conditions. Through the Site, the User will use, hire and/or use various services and content (the "Services and Content"), made available by the Company. The Company shall have the right to deny, restrict or condition the User's access to the Site, totally or partially, at its sole discretion, as well as to modify the Services and Contents of the Site at any time and without prior notice.

The User acknowledges that not all the Services and Contents are available in all geographic areas and that some Services and Contents can only be used after they have been contracted, activated or previously registered by the User and/or by paying for them. The Company does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Site and the Services and Content, nor the usefulness of the Site or the Services and Content in relation to any specific activity, regardless of the means of access used by the User.

The Company will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any nature that may be caused due to the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Site and/or the Services and Contents.

The use of the Services and Content on the Site is the sole responsibility of the User, who in any case must use them in accordance with the functionalities permitted on the Site itself and the uses authorized in these Terms and Conditions, for which the User undertakes to use them in such a way that they do not contravene good customs, the rights of third parties, the rules of use and coexistence on the Internet, the laws of the United Mexican States and the current legislation in the country in which the User is at access the Site and use the Services and Content. The Site is for the individual use of the User; therefore, the Services and Contents may not be marketed in any way.

The User undertakes to leave the Company, its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, advisors, attorneys-in-fact, representatives and/or any person related to it, in peace and safe, regarding the use of the information or documentation acquired by the User through the Site, in the understanding that the Company is not, nor will it be responsible for any use that the User gives to said information or documentation, nor for the consequences generated or that could be generated derived from its use.

2. RESTRICTIONS. The User does not have the right to place hyperlinks within the Site, to use the links on the Site, nor the right to place or use the Services and Contents on their own sites or pages or those of third parties without prior written authorization from the Company. The User may not prevent any other User from using the Site or the Services and Content.

4. THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The User agrees that the provisions established in article 3 three above regarding the ownership of the rights of the Company, are also applicable to the rights of third parties regarding the Services and Contents of the Pages, domains or information presented or linked to the place.

5. QUALITY OF THE SERVICES AND CONTENT AND ITS GUARANTEES. Neither the Company, nor its suppliers or business partners, will be responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the User as a result of, including but not limited to: inaccuracies, queries made, typographical errors and/or changes or improvements made periodically to the Services and Contents and to the Site. The Services and Content, recommendations and advice that can be obtained through the Site are of a general nature, so they should not be taken into account in the adoption of personal, commercial or professional decisions. To do this, an appropriate professional should be consulted who can advise the User according to their specific needs. The Services and Contents are not legal or technical advice or consultancy and should not and should not be understood in that way.

The Company offers the Services and Content with a reasonable level of competence and diligence from a commercial point of view; however, it does not offer any type of guarantee in relation to them. The Site is provided by the Company on an "as is" and "as available" basis. The Company makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the operation of the Site, information, content, materials, services or products included. The User expressly accepts that the use of the Site is at his own risk. The Company reserves the right to remove or delete any information from the Site, at any time, at its sole discretion. Neither the Company, nor its suppliers, commercial partners, distributors or clients offer specific guarantees about the Services and Contents; The Company excludes all warranties to the extent permitted by applicable law.

In accordance with the Terms and Conditions, the Company does not assume and will not assume any type of responsibility towards any person, derived or that could be derived from the Services and Contents, navigation on the Site, queries, clarifications and/or any other kind of response. granted by the Company by any means of communication.

The User undertakes to leave the Company, its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, advisors, attorneys-in-fact, representatives and/or any person related to it, in peace and safe from any liability that may be attributed under and/or in relation to the Site, the provision of Services and Content or any other derivative of these Terms and Conditions.

The User understands and accepts that the Company will be limited by liability of any kind, in all cases, to the amount paid as consideration for the Services and Content.

6. SERVICE RESPONSE TIMES. The Company informs the User as a reference of the following average delivery times of the Services and Contents. The User accepts that these times are only references, the deadlines may be compromised by various factors such as: availability, dependencies of authorities, vacation periods, changes in legislation, lack of delivery of documentation by the User, among other factors.

7. GOODS AND SERVICES OF LINKED THIRD PARTIES. The fact that information is offered on the Site or on other linked or linked sites does not imply the recommendation, guarantee, sponsorship or approval by the Company regarding said information, goods and/or services. The availability of goods and/or services offered by third parties or linked sites is not the responsibility of the Company. By virtue of the foregoing, the Company will not be liable before any authority of any nature, for any matter related to the sale, consumption, distribution, delivery, availability or provision with respect to any of the goods and/or services offered by third parties or by sites linked to or linked through the Site.

Regarding the Services and Content provided by third parties within or through links to the Site (such as links, banners and buttons), the Company limits itself exclusively, for the User's convenience, to: (i) informing the User about them and, ( ii) to provide a means to put the User in contact with suppliers or vendors. The products and/or services that are marketed within the Site and/or on the linked third-party sites are provided by independent merchants and in no case will it be understood that they are the responsibility of the Company. There is no type of labor relationship, association or partnership between the Company and said third parties. All advice, advice, declaration, information and content of the pages of third parties linked or within the Site represent the opinions and judgments of said third party, consequently, the Company will not be responsible for any damage or harm suffered by the User as a result of these.

8. CONFIDENTIALITY. The Company undertakes to keep confidential the information received from the User that has this character in accordance with the legal provisions applicable in the United Mexican States; The Company assumes no obligation to keep confidential any other information that the User provides to it.

9. USE OF NON-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. By using the Site, the User authorizes the Company, including but not limited to, to use, publish, reproduce, disclose, publicly communicate and transmit non-confidential information, in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, in the Federal Copyright Law, in the Federal Consumer Protection Law and in any other applicable Mexican law.

10. COOKIES. The User who has access to the Site agrees to receive files transmitted by the Company's servers. A "Cookie" is a data file that is stored on the hard drive of the User's computer when the User accesses the Site. Said files may contain information such as the identification provided by the User or information to track the pages that the User has visited. A Cookie cannot read the data or information on the User's hard drive or read the Cookies created by other sites or pages.

Cookies are generally accepted automatically; the User can change the configuration of his browser at any time. In the event that the User decides to reject Cookies, it is possible that certain sections of the Site do not function optimally or even do not function at all.

11. PERSONAL DATA PRIVACY NOTICE. All the information that the Company collects from the User is treated with absolute confidentiality in accordance with the legal provisions applicable in Mexican legislation.

To learn more about the treatment and protection of your personal data, please consult our Privacy Notice.

12. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. The User, by accessing the Site, declares, under oath, that he is at least 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in his jurisdiction; The User acknowledges that any interpretation of the content is his responsibility and acknowledges that he is aware of and accepts the conditions established in these Terms and Conditions and in the Privacy Notice.

13. MODIFICATIONS. The Company will have the right to modify, at any time, the Terms and Conditions, without prior notice and/or consent of the User. Consequently, the User must carefully read the Terms and Conditions each time he intends to use the Site. Certain Services and Content offered to Users on and/or through the Site are subject to their own particular conditions that replace, complete and/or modify these Terms and Conditions. Consequently, the User must also carefully read the corresponding particular conditions before accessing any of the Services and Contents.

14. APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION. For the interpretation, compliance and execution of these Terms and Conditions, the User agrees that the Federal laws of the United Mexican States and the courts of Mexico City will be applicable, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that could correspond to them due to their present or future addresses or for any other reason.

If any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is declared null, illegal or inapplicable, the validity, legality and application of the remaining provisions will continue in full force.

15. CONTACT. The User can contact, at any time, the Company staff for any clarification, comment, doubt and/or suggestion related to the Services and Contents, with the Site and/or with these Terms and Conditions.