We offer comprehensive and sustainable waste management solutions for more than 500 ships per year!

At MPS we are convinced that the way to increase competitiveness and leadership in the maritime sector is by reducing the environmental footprint in a reliable, safe and sustainable way; that is why our value chain is attached to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 established by the UN and we go beyond the MARPOL Convention with comprehensive solutions:

Cadena de Valor

Solid waste collection and transportation

We have state and federal authorizations, extensive experience and trained personnel in the collection, transportation, handling, storage, final disposal and/or recycling of special handling solid waste.

Cadena de Valor

Hazardous waste collection and transportation

With a deep sense of ethical, social, ecological and commercial responsibility, we have state and federal authorizations that endorse us for the integral management of hazardous waste from vessels, from collection and transportation to its storage and final disposal.

Cadena de Valor

Waste Collection

In each port where we operate, we provide the necessary personnel to coordinate the collection of any flow of liquid and solid waste from vessels. We also manage their transportation for treatment or final destination in specialized vehicles and facilities.

Cadena de Valor

Treatment and recycling of waste from the maritime and port industry.

We promote sustainability in the sector by managing waste from merchant ships, tankers, port terminals and cruise ships, in full compliance with regulations and through a circular economy model to extend their useful life cycle, in addition to reducing the environmental impact, recycling some materials in our specialized plants.

Cadena de Valor


We supply the best quality supplies for the correct handling of liquid and solid waste from vessels, such as drums, wooden pallets, superbags, cardboard boxes, plastic film, IBC containers (totes) and film rolls for wrapping, etc.

National port presence

We are the Mexican company with the largest number of authorizations to receive waste in the main Administrations of the National Port System of the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. We have three strategic recycling plants with a capacity of 3,000 m3/month, where we will produce alternative fuel.

Click on the map to minimize the state Cozumel, Quintana Roo Progreso, Yucatán Dos Bocas, Tabasco Tuxpan, Veracruz Veracruz, Veracruz Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz Veracruz Veracruz Tampico, Tamaulipas Altamira, Tamaulipas Acapulco, Guerrero Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán Manzanillo, Colima Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Guadalajara, Jalisco Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mazatlán, Sinaloa Ensenada, Baja California Cozumel Yucatan Veracruz Guerrero Michoacan Colima Jalisco Tabasco Tamaulipas Baja California Norte Sinaloa

Traceability of waste and state-of-the-art management

At MPS we drive the digital transformation of the maritime and port industry for smarter, safer and more sustainable decision making that provides greater transparency to our customers, that is why we are developing a waste traceability platform, a Blockchain Tech and an open API, with which:

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