We promote the competitiveness of the maritime industry and the conservation of our planet

Every year, around 8 million tons of plastic and other pollutants are dumped into the seas and oceans, which contribute to the deterioration of the environment and advance the climate crisis.

That is why we are the first company of our kind to truly align our operation with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and meet the challenge of decarbonizing the maritime industry:

In this way, our circular economy and industrial synergy model allows us to collaborate with the following Sustainable Development Goals targets:

How do we make the maritime
industry more sustainable?

Our specialized personnel transport solid an liquid wastes in dedicated units to guarantee their safe arrival at our facilities in accordance with the regulations in force for each type of waste. Reception and transfer of solid and liquid waste Based on the guidelines of the Marpol Convention and other legislation, MPS performs the discharge of solid and liquid waste from ships arriving at Mexican ports. Ship arrival an unloading Once in our storage and treatment plants we carry out the corresponding treatment and storage of the waste in order to give them the correct treatment to recycle as much as possible and give them a second useful life. Treatment with best sustainability practices After correct treatment, some of the waste is taken to its final destination an others, witl the help of partners, will be recycled for reinsertion into the economy as new products. Distribution and final destination of material waste Among the wastes generated by ships are plastics, glass, aluminum, drum, packaging, containers, oils, fuel and other hydricarbon residues oily water, food waste, etc. Ship-generated waste Recycling of cooking oil, tinplate wood, glass, plastics, aluminum, paper and carboard, etc. Recycling Companies with circular economy programs and enviromental objectives will be able to develop new products with properly recycled materials to extend their useful life an avoid further contamination of the enviroment. Companies with circular economy models andenviromental objectives

Through our sustainable management models and circular model of solid, liquid and hazardous waste, MPS helps maritime companies with the collection, storage, transfer and final disposal of hydrocarbons, oily blends and other waste generated by vessels and port facilities.

Positive impact

Thanks to wastewater treatment, the emission of approximately 329 kg COe or 219 gCOe per m3 treated was reduced in 2021. At MPS, we work to maximize the organic content removed from wastewater, which prevents further emissions. Our 2021 emissions inventory indicates that our total carbon footprint was

208 tCO2e.

We measure our emissions annually to facilitate internal decision making and minimize our impact. The construction and implementation of our circular model for liquid and solid waste management aims to minimize our Scope 1 and 2 emissions as much as possible to meet our goal of becoming carbon neutral in the medium term.

In addition, with this innovative model of solid, liquid and hazardous waste management, we extend the useful life cycle of products, including:

Cooking oil > Biodiesel

Broken glass > New bottles

Oily waters, SLOPS and lubricants > Alternative fuels

Plastic > New products

Sewage (blackwater and graywater) > Treated water

Aluminum > New aluminum products

In this way, working together:

Juntos Trabajamos

- We support compliance with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

- We contribute to preventing pollution of the seas and oceans while being a key player in reducing emissions from key players in the value chain.

- We reduce carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions in such a way that we contribute to the decarbonization of the maritime industry.

- We contribute to the saving, recycling, redistribution and remanufacturing of raw materials in order to have a circular model.

- We conserve natural resources.

- We reduce our environmental impact.