Expanding our positive global impact

As a company committed to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, we create integral sustainable solutions and support companies in the tourism and port sector to reduce their environmental footprint in a reliable manner and in full compliance with regulations. We go further by sharing our sustainable management model in various forums in Mexico, the United States, Europe and other locations around the world.

October 18 to 20

Greenport Cruise & Congress 2022

Zeebruge, Belgium

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November 28 to 30

AAPS LAtino 2022

Santos, Brasil

Get your ticket

Seatrade Cruise Global 2023

Florida, USA

Read the article

V Conferencia Hemisférica sobre Gestión
Portuaria Sostenible y Protección Ambiental


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IFAT Munich 2022

Baviera, Alemania

See summary

Posidonia 2022

Atenas, Grecia

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