At MPS we carry out actions for a safer, more sustainable and carbon-free maritime industry, transforming our clients' challenges into competitive advantages.

Every year, 30 million cruise passengers and seafarers on more than 50,000 merchant ships transporting close to 90% of the world's trade, generate waste, which, through proper management, could contribute to the net-zero transition that our planet urgently needs.

Our passion is preserving our planet and conserving its limited resources, which is why we offer sustainable waste management solutions to more than 500 ships a year.

Our sustainable and circular economy management model keeps products and materials in use, retaining the energy held in them to have the lowest possible impact, thereby also reducing emissions. MPS's goal is to build a circular model that allows us to sustainably manage every waste stream we take off ships. Today, we operate as follows:

How do we make the maritime
industry more sustainable?

Our specialized personnel transport solid an liquid wastes in dedicated units to guarantee their safe arrival at our facilities in accordance with the regulations in force for each type of waste. Reception and transfer of solid and liquid waste Based on the guidelines of the Marpol Convention and other legislation, MPS performs the discharge of solid and liquid waste from ships arriving at Mexican ports. Ship arrival an unloading Once in our storage and treatment plants we carry out the corresponding treatment and storage of the waste in order to give them the correct treatment to recycle as much as possible and give them a second useful life. Treatment with best sustainability practices After correct treatment, some of the waste is taken to its final destination an others, witl the help of partners, will be recycled for reinsertion into the economy as new products. Distribution and final destination of material waste Among the wastes generated by ships are plastics, glass, aluminum, drum, packaging, containers, oils, fuel and other hydricarbon residues oily water, food waste, etc. Ship-generated waste Recycling of cooking oil, tinplate wood, glass, plastics, aluminum, paper and carboard, etc. Recycling Companies with circular economy programs and enviromental objectives will be able to develop new products with properly recycled materials to extend their useful life an avoid further contamination of the enviroment. Companies with circular economy models andenviromental objectives

Why are we different?

At MPS we distinguish ourselves by creating an intelligent, sustainable and safe value chain:

You too can be at the forefront and be part of a safer, more sustainable and carbon-free maritime and port industry.